Sunday, February 16, 2014

Olympic soda holder!

Our pal Harley reminded us the other day of an Olympic promotion we'd proposed to our then client Coca-Cola in which they would sell commemorative Olympic ring colored 5 pack holders and donate their savings (times 5) to the U.S. Olympic teams. Nifty little idea, but Coke didn't bite. Not sure we remember why. Anyone else wanna run with this?

Updated web design work

Well, as soon as we start creating a new web design for JTD Productions, somehow, like sharks on the scent of blood a hundred miles away, two other web design jobs pop up. Here below is a selection of websites we've designed over the years here at WOC.

The Gipsy Kings site got bumped when they signed on with a new label, but a shadow version of our design can still be seen.

Also, please note that we work with a lot of different developers who do the coding and whatnot, our services are strictly design and functionality, how the site will look and how it will work. We sub-contract the geniuses who actually make our dreams come true.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Logo smorgasbord

Well, the phone has actually been ringing a lot lately, everyone looking for a fun logo, leading us to get off of our winter butts and update our little logo smorgasbord file. Some new, some old, all of them right on strategy. Need one for your company? Call ours.

(and don't forget to read our little rant below on logos vs. branding!)